After giving birth, women are usually too tired from caring for a newborn that they don't have enough energy for most things, including exercise. This means that it isn't very likely that you will visit a gym or even go outside for walking or running. Plus, having a new baby means you need to be there for your child at all times. So: not only will you have trouble finding motivation for exercise, you'll have trouble finding time for exercise as well. Here is some good news: in this article we will outline three things you can do in your own home, while your baby takes a nap, that will help you quickly shed pounds and get back to your pre-baby weight. What could be more convenient than thatIf you aren't happy with the weight you've gained during your pregnancy, don't worry. You can drop those pounds quickly if you know what to do. You might be thinking that you won't be able to exercise because your baby is so young that he needs you close by all the time. However, your baby likely naps often. If you make sure to workout while your baby is napping, you won't have to wait long to see good results. Here are some things that you can do during your baby's naptime that will charge up your day and keep you feeling (and looking) your best!When your pregnancy was first discovered, your doctor probably told you that you would need to gain weight.

Weight gain happens naturally during pregnancy. When you are eating for two, it's hard not to pack on the pounds. But now that your baby is born, you don't want to live with the weight any longer. You want to get your figure back to its pre-pregnant state. Keep reading to learn three ways that you can get your figure back after you have had your baby. All of these tips will help you get back to your old figure really fast.Most ladies who have children discover that they have extra fat that they need to get rid of so that they can fit into their old clothes after giving birth. But after giving birth, you definitely don't feel like running any marathons and you've gotten so used to eating everything in sight that going back to a low calorie diet seems like torture. The good news is that the three tips below will help you lose that post-baby weight and they're easy enough that any woman can do them. So if you just had a baby, and you desperately want to lose the weight, then follow the three tips below and you'll be back to your pre-baby weight in no time.If you just had a baby and you want nothing more than to return to your pre-baby weight, you should have a few post-pregnancy workouts in your arsenal that you can perform daily or every other day so that you can lose that weight as soon as possible. You can find many of these exercise routines that are fun, exciting and best of all effective. With the information in this article you'll be able to kick that workout into high gear to get that pre-pregnancy weight off quickly.

Leg Kicks: This is a great workout for getting your pulse going and it also makes your abs rock-hard. This exercise starts with you lying on your side with your waist slightly bent into a pike position. With one leg bent to hold your balance, straighten your top leg and bring it forward as far as you can bring it. Keeping your leg in the air, move it backwards to hover over the leg that is bent. Without lowering your leg, repeat the movement ten times. Roll over and repeat on the other side. Do this thrice on each side and you'll quickly see results.The Reverse Curl: A woman who has just given birth to a baby will need to do some real work to get her abs back in shape and reverse curls can really help with that. In this exercise you need to lie down on the floor, look up at the ceiling and keep your knees bent. With your feet just above your hips and your arms extended on the floor down your torso, and your head on the floor with your neck relaxed, inhale and exhale as you draw your abs in and lift your hips off the floor and towards your ribs. Lower your hips to the floor and then repeat the exercise. Try to do twenty repetitions. If you can't, slowly work up to being able to do 20. Then try working up to 50.

Not only is this exercise good for your ab muscles and for losing the pouch, it helps you walk tall and with confidence.Drawing In: This is a fantastic exercise for new moms because in addition to helping you shed pounds, it will make your back, your abs and your core stronger and, in addition to improving your posture, it helps your metabolism as well. In this exercise you need to lower yourself onto all fours and put your hands right under your shoulders. Pull in your abs while making sure to keep your spine and neck in line with each other. Breathe in through your nose while keeping your back straight and then breathe out while pulling your navel up and in without moving your spine. Do this twelve times and then do three sets of twelve to really work out your abs and your core.Yoga: This is a particularly great way to get back into shape through toning and stretching your body. The very best thing about yoga is that it is done slowly and has very little impact so you can do it while your baby is napping or playing. You can use any of the multitude of online videos to learn different yoga moves as well as apps from smartphones. After you have done yoga for a little while you will notice that, not only do your clothes fit better, but that your body feels stronger and better as well.Many are not aware of the weight loss benefits of Latin style dancing. This type of dancing helps burn calories, make you feel sexier as you swing your hips, tap your feet and roll your shoulders. Online videos and workout dvd's are a great way to learn a few dance moves even if you aren't perfect at them. This can be extremely fun to workout this way and best of all you won't even feel like you are working out at all. Latin Style dancing is one exercise you won't have a problem sticking with as you have fun and lose the weight. Arm Flutters: This is a great post-natal exercise that can be completed right next to your baby's crib. Simply lay down flat on your back and then put your legs up into the air while keeping them straight. Pick your torso up off of the ground a little bit and lift your arms while making sure they stay straight. Slowly lower back down and completely for 20-50 times. This will make your core strong, which means you'll be burning more calories. That baby weight is sure to come off in record time as long as you do this exercise at least three times per week.

The Super Crunch: This is an ab exercise that should be a part of every post natal exercise routine. To begin this exercise, lie down with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Keep your hands behind your head while, as you inhale and exhale, you lift your head and your shoulders off of the floor. Hold that position for a moment while you lift your knees up off of the floor until they touch your elbows (keep your hips off the ground). Slowly put your body back into its beginning position. Do three sets of twelve to twenty to get your abs into the best shape you've ever seen while losing weight really quickly.

Bridge Squeeze: In this exercise, you start out by lying down on the floor on your back while keeping your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent. Draw in your ab muscles while holding a pillow between your knees. Breathe in and then breathe out as you tighten your bottom and lift your hips until your body forms a straight line. Squeeze the pillow for the count of two, then lower your hips. Do three sets of ten repetitions of this exercise.

That's a lot of calories for just doing a few stretching movements. There are videos, DVDs and books that you can use to learn the different moves that you can do while your baby takes a nap. Perhaps the best "post-natal" exercise you can do if you want to lose weight is to lie on your back and keep your knees bent. Breathe in and put your hands behind your head. Then, breathe back out as you contract your abs and lift your head as well as your shoulders off of the floor. Then, straighten out your legs and lift them into a forty five degree angle from your body while you stretch out your arms and keep your palms down. While you take a five beat inhale, pump your arms rhythmically. Then breathe back out for five beats. Try to do 100 of these and you'll be in great shape in no time at all. Forearm plank breathing is another exercise you can use to lose pregnancy weight. Once in this position you will lower yourself until your forearms are flat on the floor. Now straighten those legs to create a straight line with your legs. As you squeeze your abs, take a deep breath and slowly let it out. Next lower your chest to the floor doing pushups for 30 seconds. Acai Berry Weight Loss Do three sets of these exercises. This will also strengthen your core, which will help your posture, and you'll look much better, too.

Air Bike: To start this exercise, lie down on the floor and then, bend one knee up to touch the opposite elbow and then repeat on the other side. Repeat back and forth on each side. This is a great calorie burner and ab strengthener which is very important to women who have just given birth. The Bicycle: In spite of the name, this exercise does not mean that you have to ride a real bicycle. This is a wonderful abdominal exercise that works wonders for post-natal women who want to drop their pregnancy weight. First, lay down so that you have bent knees and calves that are parallel to the floor. Your hands should go behind your head and you need to breathe in and then out while you draw in your abs. Keep your butt relaxed as you extend your right leg and then rotate your right shoulder to your left knee. Bring your head and shoulders up off of the ground during this movement. Jennifer Aniston Diet Then return to your starting position and then repeat the same on the other side. Do three sets of between twelve and twenty reps and you'll soon see that your baby weight has faded away. Walking: In 2007 Harvard did a study that proved walking for just a half an hour every day can lower the chances of a woman keeping her pregnancy weight. The women who were participants in this study lost eleven pounds on average and most of them had reached their goals by the time their children had their first birthdays. Therefore, you need to go outside and get some fresh air! While the time of day that you walk is not important, it is important to choose baby friendly weather if you want to take the baby outside with you.

Make sure you take plenty of fluids with you. Taking a walk every day will help you drop pounds very quickly.Lunges: lunges are great calorie burners because they work all of your leg muscles. Not only do these lunges help you lose pounds, they build your muscles which helps you burn calories, even while you are resting. To do a lunge properly, stand with your feet hip-width apart, put your hands on your hips and draw your abs in. Move your left foot forward until your leg bands at a 90 degree angle. Keeping your right leg straight behind your body, lower yourself until your right knee almost touches your floor. Slowly raise yourself back up and repeat the action with your left leg. Do this five times on each side for a killer leg workout.The Classic Crunch: You probably already know how to do this exercise but it's a great one for women who have just given birth to strengthen the abs and lose weight at the same time. Doing a crunch is easy, lay on you back with your hand behind your head and your knees bent. Now inhale through the nose and exhale as you tighten your abs as you lift your head and shoulders off the floor. As you do this bring the ribs towards the hips and relax the bottom. Slowly lower to beginning position. Do as many of these as you can, working towards 20, then 50. When you can do fifty, you may want to add a small weight to make it a little challenging, but be careful that you don't hurt yourself. These exercises, if you do them often enough, can give you great results quickly. You can do them while your baby takes a nap and you can break up your workout to doing several exercises throughout the day instead of trying to do everything at once. Of course, if you do them all at once, or any other exercises for 20-30 minutes three times a week, you'll lose your weight even faster. So, if you do these exercises as often as your body will let you, you'll be able to get back into your pre-baby pants way faster than you had imagined.

These exercises can easily be done while your baby is napping. Even if you have to squeeze in several smaller workouts instead of doing a single, longer, workout it is much better than not doing any working out at all. You can lose the baby weight, you just have to want it. Luckily, if you do these exercises often enough, you will reach your goals!

If your weight makes you unhappy after you have your baby, you'll need to do something about that. The good news is that the weight loss methods in this article are easy to do whenever and where ever it is convenient for you. Make sure that you warm up and cool down properly when you work out. There are plenty more tips out there that will help you lose the weight, but the three tips above will get you off to a great start.

All done! These are a few of the best ways to lose weight so that you can get back to your pre-baby size. Use these tips so that you can be sure you will fit into your old clothing after a short time.Watching your diet closely and keeping up with these routines for three or more days per week will help you see the weight fall off quicker than you ever thought possible. In no time at all you will see the rewards of your hard work as the weight comes off.